Sunday, April 26, 2009

AF7 7th Concert : I'm speechless!

Yeah, I'm speechless because I didn't expect Aril to be eliminated in last night concert. He did a very good performance last night and even got compliments from all the pengkritik. Honestly, I don't have any favourite student this year but I'm writing my blog based on my opinion and observation. Aril, Hafiz and Yazid deserved to be in the final concert but I understand...AF is a reality programme, all their lucks are based on SMS!

Awok..awok..many fans blamed Marsha as a reason for Aril to be voted out. Well, I don't know what to comment. Maybe it's one of the reason because in Malaysia, most of us prefer a good looking artist compare to their talents! It's true, isn't it? Aril got a full package and I'm very sure most of his voters are female! I saw in channel 109 (Chat @ 15) that most of Aril's voters really don't understand why Marsha need to be in the AF7 for 5 days? As shown on the tv, Marsha seems to teased Aril most of the time. That made Aril's voters jealous with Marsha I think. However, I don't bother about that at all! Marsha just doing her job. As we know, AF selalu ada bermacam-macam strategi and kezutannn...

Another 2 concerts before the final concert. If there's no elimination in the 8th concert, 5 students will be in the final. By the way, below are the votes percentage before and after the concert. Seems Aril have been voted out, I really hope Hafiz could win this competition..hope there'll be a miracle!

Kedudukan pelajar sebelum undian ditutup:PELAJAR dan PERATUSAN (%)

ISMA - 24

YAZID - 19

HAFIZ - 14

ARIL - 12

AKIM - 11



Kedudukan pelajar selepas undian ditutup:PELAJAR dan PERATUSAN (%)

HAFIZ - 17

ISMA - 17


YAZID - 15

AKIM - 14


ARIL - 11

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