Oh yeah, I love Rev Edition collections. Even though it wasn't a branded type baby t, but I really like the quality. Besides, the motif printed on the shirt are more to nature, especially butterfly! As you know, I am butterfly lover and here are some of my collections of Rev Edition with butterfly motif.
By the way, not only butterfly motif, but other motifs are also cool and amazing. I got this one as another birthday gift from my hubby. I like it!
This one is also a birthday gift from my hubby but it isn't from Rev Collections. However, I still love it because of the butterfly motif printed on it.
Anyway, this is my latest collection from Rev Edition. I bought it just two days ago.
Oh well, don't worry about the price. It will only cost you between RM19.90 - RM 29.90. However, for the baby tee with collars or long sleeves, it will cost between RM32.90 - RM54.90 or more, depends on each outlet.
Not only baby t, but all my short pants and long trousers are also from Rev Edition. It's very simple yet comfortable to be wear!