It's 2342hrs and I'm still watching Ghost Hunter, one of my favourite tv programme. Today's episode is quite scary because they've experienced lots of paranormal activities. It make me wondering, does ghost really exist in this world?
Well, I do believe in ghost eventhough I never seen any ghost in my life, but I did experienced some paranormal activities before. When I was studying in Uitm Sabah, I was staying in dorm F308 and our seniors told us that dorm is one of the haunted dorm! However, nothing happen so far except before the semester break. My friend said that everytime before the exam, 'mesti banyak histeria berlaku' among the students! and it happened to my dormmate! OMG! I was so afraid when she started to scream and I can't even concentrate on my prayer. I still remember that both my knees 'menggigil berabis seolah-olah kesejukkan' and I can't walk's funny huh but I was so scared at that time because that is my first experience.
Anyway, I remember another scary incident when we are in Papar at my mother in law's house. I remember the time is after midnight and my son suddenly woke me up and told me that he have to 'pusing satu rumah'. I don't understand what he's trying to tell me and I was so sleepy at that time, so I just follow my son's request. My hubby and his nephew are still awake at that time but they didn't realise about the incident!
My son asked me to go around the house together with him. It was so dark behind the house and I forgot to wear my slipper..just imagine how stupid I am but I can't turn back, so we just proceed with our intention and that's it! We go back to sleep and my son said now he can sleep well. Imagine, he was just 4 years old at that time.
The next day, I told everybody about the incident and of course, most of them are so mad at me. I shouldn't have done that, imagine just the two of us in the middle of the night! Oh gosh..I know, how stupid I am but I don't know why I've done that? I asked my son if he still remember about the incident and he told me that he saw grandpa (my late father in law) and he asked him to 'pusing satu rumah'. Maybe his late grandpa just want to play with him because he wasn't there when late grandpa passed away.
Another incident also happened in Papar during Christmas day last year. The time is 1600hrs and we were about to go back to Keningau. Suddenly my son, Randall told me there's a ghost at the end of the junction wearing white dress with a long hair! He said the ghost is looking at us..suddenly 'bulu roma saya mengembang'! People always said that kids can see ghost, is it true?
Everytime there's a death among our family members, I can feel that the spirit come to our house with a bad smell..ya know, something like 'bau bangkai?' Maybe it's just my imagination but my parents always remind me not to be afraid. Whether we believe it or not, just say something because it's like their last visit to us. One thing for sure, the next day, 'tu nasi mesti basi' and it happened for two days! I know, it sounds ridiculous, huh?
Well, I still believe in GOD but I do believe the existence of ghost. Eventhough I'm not brave enough, but I really like to watch any documentary, movie or anything related to ghost! Weird huh?
row, i grew up w/ these stuff happening around my house and yes they exists-no doubt about that-@ least on my part.
luv you-
Dith, u mean in Penampang? As long as it didn't hurt me, I'll just pretend that the spirit 'limpas2' je..he..he..
yup..rumah kami sana penampang yg paling hunted...seen & heard things yg bukan2 ni sampai sia 'sakit kuat'
dont wurry dear, as long u believe him n trust in him- it won't hurt ya'
p/s..i wrote u msg sana fb
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