My kids and I just came back from my mom's house. We went there just to see the tortoise which my mom found yesterday afternoon. Actually, she saw a group of young kids gathered in front of the house and made some noise! My mom walked towards them and they ran away leaving the poor tortoise with some woods! How dare them to beat the tortoise. Don't they have any pity? So stupid of them!
Anyway, my mom have decided to take care of the poor tortoise. Here are some photos that I took just now.
My kids are very excited to see the tortoise
Eventhough my kids are quite scared of the tortoise at first but then they tried to talk to it. We should teach our kids how to love and appreciate God's creation such as tortoise. Otherwise, they'll do the same like what the group of young stupid kids have done!
Cilakak betul orang2 yang jahat ma binatang ni... paling sia benci tu... kan bagus d malaysia ada akta perlindungan haiwan macam d negara US... kasih denda or jail durang2 ni... :P
wah.... memang comel kura2 ko.... mana tau bawa tuah ma family kamu... :)
hehe.. i like ollie's comment. i love tortoise. sa pun pernah rescues 2 atau 3 kali kura kura yang sesat..lepas tu simpan..hehe..
Ollie : Btl seems that Msia don't care much abt it! They should do something!
Dialy : That's good!
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