Yeah, Hafiz is the winner of AF7! I'm so happy because he deserved it more than Aril. Hey, don't get me wrong. Eventhough Aril didn't win but Aril is still THE BEST! He's got everything. He's very talented and his performance last night is superb! He's a great performer compare to Hafiz. However, this year theme is TRANSFORMATION! From zero to what he is last night, Hafiz have been transformed and that's why he deserved it more than Aril.
Hafiz..Hafiz..Hafiz..I thought there is changes on the votes last night but luckily, Hafiz is still on the top. He's got a powerful voice and versatile! Even all the pengritik love his voice especially Edrie. However, compare to Aril and Akim, Hafiz still need to learn more in dancing and how to perform like what Aril and Akim did last night!
Sadly to say, both Isma's performances last night are just okay...She looks more stressed in the final week. I wonder why her votes changed drastically? She used to be in the first place since the first week!
Same goes to Yazid. His first performance is terrible...macam ada yang tak kena. Most voters blamed the academy for the wrong choices of songs for most students! I don't know what to comment but sometimes I agreed with the selection of their songs!
Compare to previous AF, most chatters in channel 15 (109) said that AF7 is the worse AF ever! Well to me, honestly I think it is 50-50 because only this year they starting to use the theme of transformation. Even myself is very hard to accept the way of their transformation but towards the end of the week, I started to like and try to understand it. I just unsatisfied with some of the students. They have a chance to learn but some of them just playing around and didn't show respect to their teachers!
Hey, I'm a fanatic fan of AF (Akademi Fantasia) since the first season. I never miss to watch the programme and be a pengkritik myself to my friends and family's true, if they want to know everything about AF, they will call or send me an sms! Lol..well I'll always update myself about AF especially from the internet. That's why I managed to compare everything with the previous seasons. (I even named my first son, Randall Vince because my favourite idol, Vince won the first season).
Congrats to Stacy too for the great performance but I wonder why nowadays, all her performances are more to dancing than singing! I can't deny that she is the Agnes Monica or Britney Spears of Malaysia, but she have to focus more on her singing. By the way, I love her new hair style. She looks more sexy!
Well, no more AF after this...have to wait for another season next year! I can't imagine my life without AF because every night at 9.00 pm sharp, I'll sit in front of the tv...tonight and the next few months I don't know what else to must goes on, huh!
As usual, below are the percentage before and after the concert (copied from
% Before the final concert:
HAFIZ - 44
ARIL - 22
YAZID - 15
AKIM - 13
ISMA - 6
% after the final concert :
HAFIZ - 46
ARIL - 22
AKIM - 18
ISMA - 5
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