Sunday, May 10, 2009

9th Concert of AF7 : The best ever!

Below are the Top 5 Finalist of Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7). Who will be the winner? I really hope either Hafiz or Aril because both of them are qualified!
I really enjoyed Hafiz's performance last night especially when he sang 'I believe I Can Fly' by R. Kelly...meremang bulu roma! His first performance also good but as Edry said, the song didn't challenge his voice.


He's so lucky to be voted in back to the AF7. This is Aril's second chance to prove that he's one of the best! As a Malaysian, I'm so proud to have Aril in our music industry. He can go far, believe me! He's very talented, not only in singing but dancing and acting as well. Congrats awokkk!

I can't deny that she's very talented too. She's the mother of 5 children but she still look gorgeous, don't you think so? Unfortunately, I don't really like her voice because it's quite similar to Dato Siti Nurhaliza. So, eventhough she's good but I keep on imagine Dato Siti everytime I watch her performance! (That's my opinion ok)

Thumbs up to Akim's performance last night especially when he sang 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz. That's the best performance of Akim..selamba, cool, relax but really entertaining! I fell in love with him that night..ha..ha..However, one thing that I don't like about him is his bad temper! He's still young but he should know from now on how to control his bad temper. Otherwise, he won't be long in this music industry.


He's good in dancing but not really in singing. However, he can still learn with Siti Hajar after this. I think he is lack of confident. Yazid is a very shy student. People like him need lots of time to show the truth colour of themself but he's very talkative in the academy, right?
Sadly to say, next Saturday will be their final concert. I need to wait for next year for the AF8!! Eventhough I'm not satisfied with the transformation at first, but now I am satisfied! I really hope principal Tiara will be the next principal as well. Compare to a male principal, female students are more comfortable with a female principal. Same goes to the male students because they treat Principal Tiara as their mother as well.
I really hope the Af team will do something about Hafiz's hair before the final concert. He's cute but I think he'll look more better with a new and suitable hairstyle. Can't imagine my life without AF after more sitting in front of tv every night at 2100hrs...hmmm...

By the way, below are the percentage before and after the concert, also the AF Masuk (copied from

Kedudukan pelajar sebelum undian ditutup:


YAZID - 32

HAFIZ - 28

ISMA - 25

AKIM - 16

Kedudukan pelajar selepas undian ditutup:


HAFIZ - 34

AKIM - 25

YAZID - 22

ISMA - 18

Kedudukan pelajar undian AFMASUK setelah undian ditutup


ARIL - 52.45

AISHAH - 26.6

ZIZI - 6.87

SIDI - 5.84

CLAUDIA - 4.59

QHAUD - 1.71

RINI - 0.86

RUBISA - 0.48

OBRI - 0.34

ADILA - 0.26

Happy Mother's Day 2009!

A blessing and prayer tribute to all mothers

"Blessed be all mothers
Who have come into our lives
Whose kindness, care and loving
Remain with us to guide.

Your inspiration in us
Made us strive in every way
Especially to remember
Helping others makes our day.

Mothers, this little tribute
Flows directly from my heart
You are so loved and cherished
Invaluable, one and all, you are

~ Susan Kramer

Yes, I love you mom. At the aged of 32, I'm still rely on my mom. I can't imagine my life without her because among all the siblings, we are very closed to each other. We even have the same interest especially in cooking and fashion.

Being a mother myself is not easy. I used to work in hotel and tourism industries before and the job really made me busy and stressed! I don't have enough time to spend with my family especially on weekend, no time to cook because I'm so tired when I arrived at home, etc. However, everything changed since I decided to resign and became a fulltime housewife. I'm so happy with my life now. Eventhough I don't have maid and I have to do all the house chores by myself, but I still enjoy my life because I have more time with my family.

Honestly, being a housewife is more difficult than a working mom. Sometimes I'm so tired because my kids are still small. I need to prepare eveything for them but I never regret it because once they are grown up, I'm sure I'll miss everything about their childhood.

Have you ever wonder why people always say, "Syurga di telapak kaki ibu"? Because a mother is the person who give birth to us! I gave birth twice and words can't describe the pains but all the pains are gone when I saw my baby's face. How wonderful to be a mother because not every woman can experience it. I'm not a perfect mother. I still have many things to learn, but I'm proud of myself because I sacrifice a lot of things to be a mother of my kids and a wife to my hubby.

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