Well, in my opinion, this week concert got improvement, much better than last week.I'm impressed with their opening ' Menuju Puncak'. However, I think their BIG PROBLEM is they don't know how to control their 'memek muka' or how to express their feelings.
Don't get mad at me, I just want to share my opinions with you all.
1) Akim ~ Macam syok sendiri, 'tak serius time belajar'
2) Adilla ~ She got the lowest votes since she entered the academy. Wonder why? If you look @ Ch 15, nobody like her just because of her engagement incident, misunderstanding about 'Kerabat Diraja Kedah'. Sad and unfair, isn't it? They judge her just based on the incident? If you don't believe me, try to search at the internet or read the previous article in Media Hiburan! All I can say is..'jari menjadi juri'!
3) Aril ~ He's talented too, got full package but as Edrie said, problem with his pitching but he's good in shuffle.
4) Aishah ~ Suara power but please don't wear high heels in next concert..'nampak sangat dia tak pandai jalan'
5) Claudia ~ 2nd best performance for me but she's quite good
6) Hafiz ~ The best performance tonight eventhough ' ada lari pitching sikit' but he managed to cover it. Good level confident! Hope he'll be in top 3.
7) Isma ~ Suara memang power ala-ala Dato' CT but she better learn how to dance. It doesn't mean you have 5 kids and feel ashamed to dance!
8) Obri ~ Alamak budak ni, over confident la. Macam syok sendiri pun ada!
9) Qhaud ~ Budak ni lagi, suara quiet ok but the way he express his feelings..aiyaa, I don't know how to explain!
10) Rubisa ~ Very talented but sometimes I don't like her behaviour in academy. Don't talk about your sickness too much, 'kalo mo jadi artis mesti pandai-pandai la'.
11) Rini ~ Ooooo..Emotional! Mo control cantik depan camera, what a boring performance? Kaku bah, seolah-olah she's carrying something heavy on her head, maybe her hair is too long, so berat kepala..I guess that's why she can't move or dance very well! (I'm sorry but I hope she'll be voted out in next week concert)
12) Sidi ~ Same goes to Sidi (I'm sorry but I also hope that he'll be voted out next week). Don't let your personal problem made you 'hilang fokus' la..
13) Yazid ~ Suara ntah ke mana, especially the 1st song, Lelaki Ini (I luv that song but hancur la..) Tak guna kalo pandai breakdance je bro..
14) Zizi ~ I like her voice and performance tonight but ada 'kangkang' juga..dah la pakai dress..not suitable la..
Hey, common guys..this is my opinion based on the 2nd week concert. I'm a fanatic fan of AF, that's why I'm quite disappointed this year! Their tagline is 'SATU TRANSFORMASI AKAN BERLAKU'.There is a transformation but not like what I expected! Nevermind, AC said there's a new changes of the stage next week..just wait and see!
Last but not least, I'm sorryyy...
Planète des Épices (Planet of Spices) Marrakech
11 minutes ago
Renn... si Rubisa dulu tu pernah join My Starz LG kan... sia memang tdk suka dia time My Starz tu... bila ditegur macam tak boleh terima kelemahan ma syok sendiri macamlah pandai sangat dia... berlagak DIVA bah!!! :P
Not sure pula, tp yg sa tau dia top 20 OIAM yg baru2 ni..
oh... ko tak tau MYSTARZ LG yang season 1 kah?... Bikin panes tgk si Rubisa tu... :P
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